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Lego Logo
Lego Head Office
Lego Offices London
Lego's Head office London

We were asked to manufacture 5 x 3200mm circles for Lego's head office, to compliment the office space and create the largest Lego brick. As always, producing bespoke light fixtures need some planning. As the light fixtures were 3.2meters in diameter, we had to design and manufacture these in pieces. This was done because during the planning stage of this project the only way to get them to their final location was via the lift. We had to make sure that each piece would fit into the lift and then constructed them on site, our design also had to make sure there was no light bleed, and that the lighting had a even blend. As you can see we hit the brief.

Bespoke Ligt for Lego
Lego Lihts ready to install
Bespoke Lego Light in 2 halfs
Lego Lights installed
Lego Lights
Round lights for lego main office

Enlightened FX Ltd - 07814234567

©1987 - 2021

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