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These are the Lighting Control System's we specialize in
Stretch ceilings, walls and design
These are the Lighting Control System's we specialize in
Stretch ceilings, walls and design
Lighting Systems
Lighting is proven to be an essential factor to enhancing your mood and the aesthetics of your property and our multifunctional approach fulfils this need. Our lighting systems will be individually designed to suite your needs. They display a multitude of functions and once installed, can be reprogrammed without requiring a costly rewire. Our smart home systems understand that over the years your family's needs may change. The versatility of our installs allows you to do so with minimum or even NO disruption.

These are just some of the functions you can expect from an intelligent lighting system.
Timers/sensors can be set to turn your lights on and off at chosen times of the day or even when you enter the room. A great security feature.
Lighting can be linked to alarm and smoke detectors. Thus helping easy exit and provide a second sensory impulse for the elderly or the hard of hearing.
Our security lighting is programmed to recognise natural movement like a tree swaing in the wind. It then disassociates this as a trigger stimulus minimising the annoyance of false alerts.
Our sensor detects light intensity and control the lighting mood perfectly within your home

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